In November 2019 I decided to start teaching for VIPKid. VIPKid offers English classes online for students in China. I’ve recently started posting more about this on Instagram and have been getting many questions. Here are some answers to the most common questions. If you have more questions, please leave them in the comments. I will answer them ASAP!

Do you teach all subjects or a specific subject?
You can not pick what subject you teach, but you can get certified for different levels or courses. Most students take Master Courses, which range from level 1 to level 7. Each level includes portions of reading/writing, math, science, and social studies content.
Level 1 is introductory to the English language. In this level most students are simply repeating words and short phrases after you. In Level 2, students start to have a more basic understanding and can typically respond to questions using a provided sentence frame.
My favorite level to teach is level 4. In this level, students are able to hold some conversations and express their ideas and thoughts. These students are still learning grammar skills and are working to increase their English vocabulary. Personally, I’ve never taught a student higher than level 6.
The program provides students with additional material to work on at home. I have found that most of my students come to class prepared and are already familiar with the material. My job, for the most part, is to review and extend their learning.
There are supplementary classes students can take, in addition to the Master Courses. You have to read material and take a quiz to be certified in these courses. Some of the supplementary courses include Phonics, Free Talk, Proper Pronunciation, Grammar, and Leveled Reading. These courses are specifically for students who need additional help in a particular area.

Do you think this is something a person could live on as a salary?
This is tough to answer, because it depends on your lifestyle and situation. Is it possible to make a full time salary on VIPKid? Absolutely! Would it work for me and my lifestyle? NO WAY.
There is currently a 12 hour time difference between Orlando and China. If you are in California, there is a 15 hour time difference. This means, the prime time for teaching is typically overnight. There are many teachers who teach overnight, and therefore can make a full time salary. I enjoy sleeping, so I choose to work from 7-9am eastern time and occasionally 9-11pm. I work about 10-15 hours a week and make around $1100 a month, on average.
The image below shows my earnings in March and April of the 2020. The $10 deduction was for canceling a class within an hour.
How much do you get paid?
This will vary person to person. They determine your base pay during the application process. Prior teaching experience and performance during the mock class will impact what your base pay is set out. It ranges from $7-$9 per 25 minute class. You can also earn an extra $1 for each class for showing up on time and finishing on time. If you teach more than 45 classes in a month, you will also get an additional $1 per class.
If you teach a class on short notice, which means it booked with less than 24 hours note, you get an extra $2 per class.
Personally, my base pay is $8 per class. I always show up on time and teach over 45 classes a month. This means I am making $20 for 50 minutes of instruction time. I rarely allow for short notice classes, but I earn $12 per 25 minute class if I do.

Can you do VIPKid part time?
Absolutely! I only teach part time. As I said above, I teach fairly consistently 7-9am eastern time Monday through Friday and Sunday. Occasionally I will teach some classes 9-11pm, but I usually open these as “short notice” depending on my day and if I have the energy to work at night. It works out for me, because I get payed extra for teaching short notice and it allows me to stay in control of my schedule.
Do you need to know other languages to teach?
No! I don’t know any Chinese. The students don’t expect you to know their language and our conversations are 100% in English. It is actually frowned upon to speak to the students in their home language, as the program is designed to be fully immersive.

Do you have to plan anything?
The lessons are provided to you. Each 25 minute lesson comes with a powerpoint that is about 22-30 slides long. The slides have teaching tips with them, which tell you questions to ask and expected student outcomes. You are able to preview the power points before class and can plan for any additional props you might need/want to use.
I typically do not plan ahead of time. I have flashcards, stuffed animals, and a whiteboard at my desk. If a student is struggling with a vocabulary word, I will occasionally google it on my phone to show them additional examples.
What was the application process like?
The process was easy, but it did take significant time. It took about 10 days for me to get fully hired and start booking classes.
Step 1: To begin with, you will fill out an online application. The questions are very standard.
Step 2: After this, you will complete a demo class. You can choose to teach an adult acting as a kid or complete a recorded lesson. The materials are provided. I chose to do a recording. I practiced a few times, and the used my iPhone to record and submit.
Step 3: Next, VIPKid will notify you once you complete the demo class and you will move on to the mock class. Once again, they will provide you the materials ahead of time. You will teach a 10 minute lesson to VIPKid teacher acting as a child. The VIPKid teacher will spend a few minutes talking to you prior, then you will teach. After you finish teaching, the interviewer will go over what you did well and tips to improve. VIPKid will notify you within a few days if you passed your mock class. If you didn’t pass, no big deal! You can retake the mock class.
Step 4: Finally, you will need to sign your contract and upload documents. You will need to upload pictures of your degree and ID. You will also need to submit a photo and short bio. VIPKid will also conduct a short background check at this step
While the application process can take some time, it is not difficult. If you are interested in signing up, send me an email at I can help walk you through the process and give you more detailed pointers to pass your mock class on the first try. You can also use my link to apply direction: CLICK HERE.