In July 2020 I started teaching on Outschool and it was one of the best decisions I made during the Pandemic. I’ve talked a lot on Instagram about my experience of not only teaching on Outschool, but being a parent of a child who frequently takes classes on Outschool. Last week I asked my Instagram friends to share the questions they still have about Outschool, so I could share them here. There were some overlap between parent/teacher classes, but her are the most FAQ I received.
Parent Side
1. How much are the classes?
The classes range in price. It depends on the level of content and the length of the class. There are semester long classes that reach hundreds of dollars, and there are 30 minute classes that are as low as $5. Tanner typically takes 30-60 minute long classes that range $8-$15.

2. What kind of classes are there?
There are a variety of classes! Of course there are many academic classes, but there are also a variety of elective courses. I’ve seen classes on cooking, fitness, crafting, coding, video games, social skills, Disney, and even lego building. Seriously, there are classes for everyone!
3. How are the classes taught?
The classes are taught over Zoom. Students (or parents) will have their own login for Outschool. Once logged in, the student can easily select their class from their learner scheduler. There will be a very bold link at the type that says “enter classroom.” This will direct them to the Zoom meeting
4. How many kids are in the classes?
This depends on the age group, the teacher, and the content. Classes can range from one on one to 18. You are able to see the teacher’s class limit before registering, as well as learner list before the class starts. Most classes for younger students are under 6-7 students, while classes for older students are over 12
5. Is it accessible to students with learning disabilities?
Yes! My son is severely dyslexic, and he has had a positive experience. I read each class description carefully to ensure it is appropriate for him. If I’m unsure if the content will be accessible, I personally contact the teacher. Every teacher, so far, has responded immediately and said they would accommodate for him.
Teacher Side
1. What do you teach?
Personally, I teach reading classes. Most of my classes are private tutoring, but I also teach a few science classes. I love teaching holiday STEM classes! You can teach any subject you want. There are classes for fitness, academics, hobbies, art, video games, etc. If you have an interest or passion, make a class for it.
If you need ideas, click HERE and grab my FREE PDF of 175 class ideas.
2. When do you teach?
Once again, I teach whenever I want. I typically teach classes between the hours of 2-6. Occasionally I will teach a class 8-9am or 8-9pm. There are students taking classes at all times.
3. How do you find students?
I don’t find students; Outschool does! Outschool will do all of your advertising through Facebook.
4. How do you get started?
First of all, there is an application process to get started. The process has changed since I joined, but it is very straight forward. You will fill out a very generic application, including questions about your educational background. You do not have to have a degree in teaching to join Outschool, but you should have some experience teaching and/or working with kids. Next, Outschool will also ask you to submit a video. The video should be 5 minutes long and show you teaching a “fake” lesson. This is the time to show Outschool the positive impact you will bring to the platform. After passing the initial application and video, you will need to submit a background check.
If you are interested in getting started, please feel free to reach out to me! You can e-mail me at You can also join by clicking HERE. Please let me know if you join with my link; I’d love to help you get started ASAP!
5. How much do you make?
Once again, it’s up to you! When you create a class, you will decide how much to charge per student. It’s important to remember that Outschool will take 30% of the earnings. I charge $80/hour for my tutoring sessions, which means I actually make $56/hour. My earnings for other classes vary based on student enrollment. I’ve taught a few classes at $96/hour, but I average $50-$60/hour.
6. How many kids do you teach?
When you create a class, you decide how many kids to teach. Most teachers set the minimum class size to 3 to ensure they earn a decent amount for the class time. You are able to cancel the class at anytime, especially if your minimum enrollment is not met. Outschool doesn’t penalize you for canceling a class.
7. How do you get paid?
Outschool will pay you one week after teaching a class. You will be paid through PayPal.
Do you have more questions? Leave me a comment or send me an e-mail at I’d love to help you get started!