I tried taking my son to a Color Run last year, and he was not having it. I showed him a video and his response was along the lines of “YUCK. I don’t want to get messy.” I have no explanation for that behavior.
This year I signed him up and kept my fingers crossed he would be into it. I showed him some YouTube videos a few days prior, and HE LOVED IT. He couldn’t wait to get all messy.
He woke up bright and early on the day of the run and Tanner couldn’t wait to get his color gear on!
My youngest brother, Kevin, signed up with this. This made the race that much cooler; Tanner loves his Uncle Kevin!
I’ve done The Color Run in the past, so I already knew the starting line would be crowded. We tried to get there a little early so we could be in one of the first waves. We met some nice people in line who offered to get a picture of all of us. I always love when people offer to take pictures and I don’t have to ask. Haha.
Tanner can pretty consistently run 1/4 – 1/2 mile without stopping, depending on his mood. It doesn’t matter how much he has actually run though, he is all about those water stops!
He always has to take his leisurely time when drinking too; he can’t miss a drop! At the next color, I decided to run ahead to try to get video and pictures of them running through. It didn’t work out so well. It was very cloudy and I didn’t even see them come through! After they found ME, I made them pose for a photo.
I tried a few more times, and was able to get a somewhat decent video of them running through the last color stop, which also had bubbles. I’ll try to upload it when I finish editing it.
It wasn’t long before we were all sprinting through that finish line. At the finish line, they had medals and packets of color for everyone. We quickly grabbed our items and hurried to a clear spot in the massive swarms of people. I took a pretty incredible video of Tanner and Uncle Kevin attacking each other with the color packets. These are some of the still shots from the video:
Then Tanner got a great idea to attack ME. I had absolutely no idea he was going to do this, but look at that cute face…. can’t get upset about that!
All in all, it was a great day! Tanner has already been asking when we can do another one. He doesn’t understand why we can’t do one every weekend. Life is tough, kid.
I hope everyone has a good weekend! Toodles!
Color Run is the only event where you get to party once you cross the finish line. The event is immensely popular all over the world and although runners do not receive any prizes, they are showered with colour run powder, which is made of corn starch. Color Run is not your typical fun run event because it puts more emphasis on fun. Even first-time runners are welcome and for families who are looking for a unique way to bond with children, Color Run is a great idea to consider. Participants need to pay for the registration fees, which may vary from region to region.