Back to school season always makes me miss teaching. Since I obviously didn’t need to shop for myself, I decided to put together back to school gift baskets for my beautiful sister in law and soon to be sister in law! My youngest brother married an elementary school teacher, and my other brother is in an engaged to high school science teacher. I had a lot of fun putting their baskets together.

When I put their back to school gift baskets together, I wanted to make sure I included all my favorite items. I started their baskets with some must have teacher supplies:
- Astrobrights Paper / This is the very BEST paper!
- Sharpies
- Expo Markers / If you’re a teacher, you know that other dry erase markers do not even compare to Expo.
- Post It Notes
- Highlighter Pack
- Ticonderoga Pencils / Once again, brand matters. These are the superior pencil choice.
- Crayola Silly Scent Markers / I’ve actually never used these, but they seem fun! They seem comparable to Mr. Sketch markers.
- Pens / I used to only use Flair pens, but then I discovered these. Actually, my mom bought them for me one day and I left them at a bottom of a drawer for months before trying them. They are the only pens I use now.
- Binder Clips / I found the cutest floral binder clips at Target.

The first week can be stressful, so I included one of their favorite sweet treats and a frozen daiquiri in the basket.

The baskets were in the back to school session at Target. I thought they were the perfect size and the cutest colors. My son helped me pick out the printed vinyl at Michaels and I used my silhouette cameo machine to cut out their names.

I put their maiden name on one side and their married (or soon to be married) name on the other.

I wish I could have offered them even more. Teachers truly deserve it! I topped off each basket with gift cards to Target and Starbucks.