With kids being home more now, I’m always trying to find a new and creative activity for my son to do that does NOT involve a computer screen. This is one of the easiest ways I have found to make a marshmallow catapult. The materials are simple and likely can be found around your house.

- two rubber bands
- clothespin
- lego (or similar small block)
- plastic spoon
- mini marshmallows
Construction is super easy! If you have older kids, you could give them the materials and challenge them to figure out how to put it together the marshmallow catapult. You could also add in some extra materials and allow them to figure out what works and doesn’t work. Once they have mastered this simple and easy catapult, kids can look around the house for other materials to make an even bigger and better catapult. The options are endless!
Step 1:
Use a rubber band to attach the spoon to the clothespin.
Step 2:
Place the lego, or small block, between the clothespin.
Step 3:
Use the second rubber band to further secure the top part of the spoon to the clothespin. The catapult will work best if the lego is between the two rubber bands.
Step 4:
Grab some marshmallows and start playing! This activity is sure to bring giggles as your child flings marshmallows across the room. Here’s a mommy tip for you: I highly suggest counting the amount of marshmallows you give your child. This will allow you to easily ensure that all marshmallows are picked up and thrown away at the end.
Here are a few challenges you can present to your child:
- How far can you shoot your marshmallow?
- Can you make your marshmallow land right in front of the catapult?
- How high can you make your marshmallow go?
- Can you hit a specific target?